Fresh Earth Farms - CSA

Take a Mental Health Break from Work Day

onion fieldDid you know that Monday June 3rd is the first annual “Take a Mental Health Break from Work Day”?  As is tradition, TAMHBFWD is always the first Monday in June where the forecast calls for nice weather.  With forecast of partly cloudy skies and highs around 70 degrees this will be the best TAMHBFWD ever!

In celebration of TAMHBFWD we here at Fresh Earth Farms – the hardest working farm in Denmark Township – will be hosting its annual TAMHBFWD festival.  This year’s theme is “Be a Farmer for a Day”.  Activities will include, but are not limited to, planting sweet corn, planting watermelons, planting cantaloupe, planting cauliflower, planting basil, planting gourds, planting winter squash, planting flowers, planting hot peppers, planting scallions, planting pumpkins, planting popcorn, planting ornamental corn, planting beans, planting cilantro, and planting carrots.  But wait, that’s not all.  In addition to all this exciting and heart pounding planting we will also include at no extra cost hoeing and drip tape laying.

And for those who really want to feel what it is like to be a farmer, we have the afternoon pest management program.  After you’ve spent the morning on your hands and knees planting a bunch of beautiful , little, delicate transplants we will come through the field, pull up all your hard work and laugh at you just like the deer do!  We will take thousands of small bites out of all the cauliflower transplants you put in just like the flea beetles.  And if you squeeze us we will emit a foul smelling odor that will attract more of us to do the same thing just like the squash bugs.  How cool is that?

Finally for the really adventurous among us we will conclude with an evening program titled “Here comes the weather, whether you like it or not!”  First we will walk through the fields shooting all your transplants with ice pellets.  Then we will turn on the hose full blast and spray it directly at the ground near the plants, washing a bunch of them down the hill.  As you scramble to recover them to replant we will blast you with the hose as well – think of the show “Wipeout” but with far more water, dirt and plants.  What fun!  Then we will take the 500,000 BTU propane space heater and direct it at all your pretty little transplants.  Can you feel the burn?  And if that is not enough, we can cover the poor little transplants with eight inches of snow.  Woo hoo!

With this program you will receive fresh air, sunshine, exercise and a break from the stress and strain of cubicle life.  Space is limited to the first 300 attendees.  So come celebrate the carefree life of a farmer.  Who’d like to join us?  Please RSVP and let us know how many people you plan to bring to the festivities.  Seriously.  Any help is greatly appreciated and what better way to celebrate TAMHBFWD?


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