Fresh Earth Farms - CSA

Extra Extra, Read All About It

With yesterday’s snowfall I felt it was appropriate to publish an Extra newsletter edition this week. What else is a farmer to do when you get this much snow in May?

Here is a picture of the table on the back deck.  As you can see we received about eight inches of snow.

8 inches of snow!
8 inches of snow!

Here is a picture of where we planted the potatoes on Monday.  Maybe we shouldn’t have done that…


Here is the outside of the hoop house.  Looks just like it did back in February!

Hoop House
Hoop House

Here is what it looks like from inside the hoop house looking out.  The two birds inside the hoop house will have to enjoy the warmth a few more days.

Inside of the hoop house
Inside of the hoop house

This melon plant seems to be staying warm inside the hoop house.  Having the two layers of frost protection certainly helps!

Melon plant
Melon plant

This tomato plant seems to be surviving.  I’m sure it would prefer it to be a bit warmer.

Tomato plant under protection
Tomato plant under protection

Not the type of plowing I would have expected this time of year.


Two days ago these benches were covered with onion plants waiting to be planted in the field.  I’m glad we waited!  We put them I the hoop house.  There is no room in the cold frame or the greenhouse…

Outside benches
Outside benches

Here is how we are keeping it warm in the cold frame.  The cold frame is where we start acclimating the transplants to the challenges of living outdoors.  Adding a space heater with a gentle breeze blowing over it keeps the temp inside around 40 degrees compared to 32 outside.

Cold frame heating system
Cold frame heating system

Let’s hope for some warmth and no more precipitation for a while.  We’d like to get this party (re)started!



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