A couple of announcements.
For those people who like to loaf around inside a shade-cloth covered greenhouse and chat with other like minded people, I have the perfect opportunity for you! We have a whole bunch of onions and shallots that need processing. What that entails is the aforementioned sitting and chatting while rubbing the dirt off and cutting the top off the onions that are in the greenhouse. If you’d like to help out let me know when you’ll be by. We can use as much help as everyone can provide.
That is all the announcements (I had to add this so my “a couple of announcements” statement was true).
What will we have this week?
We have more potatoes, some tomatoes, some cherry tomatoes, some tomatillos, some eggplants, some kale, some cabbage, lots of onions, lots of garlic, lots of peppers, the last of the cucumbers, some okra, a few early fall broccoli, and probably some other things I’m forgetting.
It is a Fruit, Egg and Flower week.
Farm News
I hope everyone survived last’s week’s storms with minimal damage.
Well, our hoop house now has the top down. We were able to take the ripped plastic off before the second storm hit on Thursday. I think if we weren’t able to take it off prior to Thursday’s mighty winds we’d have a few more of the hoops pulled out of the ground and a lot more damage. This has been quite the summer for meteorologists.

We were also able to reset the hoops into the ground and get the structure back in place. I still need to buy some parts to replace the broken and bent parts but that is a task for another season.
Other than that, there isn’t much more to say. So how about some pictures!

Joke of the week
A man goes into a bar with his pet salamander named Tiny…
“A pint for me and a pint for Tiny please” he tells the bartender.
The bartender says “sure, but why do you call him Tiny?”
The man replies “because he’s my newt”
As always, do not hesitate to send in questions, comments, jokes, etc. And also let me know if you don’t get the joke.